#61 – Believe the Impossible
When I was a child the idea of video conferencing was something you saw in cartoons and science fiction. Today millions are using it on a daily basis. Someone had to imagine it to make it possible. What impossible things are you going to believe today?

#62 – Dream Big!
Michelangelo was able to accomplish so many things! He was a true renaissance man. He understood how important that desire to do more and imagine more is. It was his motivation and inspiration. What is yours?

#63 – What do you Wonder?
I wonder if trees can talk to each other. They can! I looked it up. Someone else wondered the same thing and figured it out. What are you going to wonder about? It could be as simple as wondering how you can make someone else’s day happier.

#64 – Be True to Your Genius
Who are you true to? What are your values? What is your genius? Take the time to figure this out. Write it down and post it somewhere you can see it everyday. Test every thought and opportunity by this so that you can find and share your genius with the world. Doing this is the best way to be true to yourself.

#65 – Read to Lead
Most people only read about four books a year. A leader reads much more. Who do you want to be? I get it. There is so much to do but this is worth it. Take the time. You can listen to books if that makes it easier. Just read. Even if you don’t want to be a leader. By reading you will get a better idea of who you want to follow.

#66 – Reasonable Passion
This quote didn’t sit well with me at first. I then thought of the word “reason” a bit differently, and it changed for me. Keeping my reason – why I do something – in mind when I’m following my passion, helps keep me focused. What is your reason?

#68 – The Flexibility of Intelligence
Stephen Hawking – he really had to adapt to change! And he was able to continue sharing and inspiring others with his intelligence even when his body wouldn’t cooperate. A true #geniusparadigm

#69 – The Importance of Follow-Through
When my kids were little I yelled a lot. I realized at one point I had to change. A big part of the problem is that I would say things and then not follow-through with them. I would tell my kids I would take something away if they did something and then I wouldn’t. It dawned on me that when I did that I was teaching my kids that they couldn’t trust me. I changed that day. I told my kids that from then on when I said something, I meant it. And when I said it, I did it. And they listened.

#70 – Cultivate Love
Your child or student needs you to help them cultivate their genius – help it grow and flourish! The ultimate lesson is helping them share their genius with the world. A great way to teach this is through example. What do you love? Are you cultivating it and sharing it? Live your genius!

#71 – Abundant Genius
Thoreau says that genius equals abundant life and health. I think he is right as long as you use them. Be the protagonist of your own story. PROTAGing* your way through life means you take the opportunities presented to you and live your life to the fullest in order to create your genius story. (*Perspicacity, Resolution, Optimism, Talent, Action-oriented, Generous)

#72 – Desperate Inspiration
Sometimes we need to be pushed to our limits to find out what we are really capable of. When you are desperate you HAVE to get things done. The key is to learn how to get yourself to the point of getting things done without the desperation and only with inspiration!

#73 – Talent vs. Genius
Talent is just one aspect of genius. It is one characteristic that will help you develop a Genius Paradigm. I define talent as the resources available to you: time, interest, support, finances, etc. It is the “T” in PROTAG (Perspicacity, Resolution, Optimism, Talent, Action-oriented, Generous). Being the protagonist in your own life creates a genius story!

#74 – Giving Value
You have something of value to give the world – your genius! To live a fulfilling and value-filled life you need to share it. Every day you receive the benefits of other peoples’ genius. Don’t be afraid to share yours!

#75 – Be a Willing Example
Eleanor Roosevelt is one of my heroes. She had a hard life. There were so many things that happened to her that just wasn’t fair. She lost her parents at a young age, her husband cheated on her. She understood hardship. And she understood how important it was to be fair. She was the first lady that set the stage for all others after her. She was willing to make things happen and stand up for what she believed. And she worked hard at it. What kind of example do you want to be?

#76 – Work Leads to Genius
Talent isn’t enough. You have to work hard to develop your genius. So many people aren’t willing to put in the hard work and we are missing out on their genius! The world needs your genius. Are you ready to work hard and find your genius and share it? It will be a better world if you do!

#77 – Genius Does Not Accept Mediocrity
The roots of the word “mediocre” mean the middle of a rugged mountain. It literally means that you’ve started on the path to do something great but stopped half way. Finding and sharing your genius is all about getting to the top of the rugged mountain. Are you ready to climb?

#78 – Discovery
In history, there have been many times where scientists have said there is nothing left to discover. We know it all.
And then someone discovers something brand new and everything changes.
Take the road of self-discovery and find your genius!

#79 – Be a Brave Soul
Being brave is scary. You have to push yourself and sometimes you fail. When you fail you need to be even braver. Don’t give up. You can do it! You are a brave soul!

#80 – Live Life
Sitting on the couch watching TV is not living life. It is watching other people live theirs. Do you want a better life? Live it. Live your genius.