#81 – The Journey of Genius
Don’t get discouraged when it takes time to find and develop your genius. It is the journey that you go on that creates it. You will have times when you slip up. Get back up and continue. You can do it!

#82 – The Heart of Genius
One of the characteristics of a Genius Paradigm is generosity. To live your genius you need to share it, otherwise it doesn’t exist. Someone can have a high IQ but if they don’t use that intelligence to better the world, it means nothing. Have the heart of a genius and make the world a better place.

#83 – Everyone is a Genius
You are a genius. Your child is a genius. The person standing on the street is too. Use the Genius Paradigm to look for the genius in everyone you meet. I wonder what the world would be like if we could all see each others genius!

#84 – Be Steadfast
How do you react when you are confronted with a problem? Do you run away or deny it? Instead, deal with it. It will get easier to do each time you do it.

#85 – Be the Author of Your Story
I think you should do both – be the author and the protagonist. Write the story you want to live and then do it. Don’t accept the story that society or others in your life are trying to write for you. It is your decision. Find someone who is already doing it and have them help you. Start today!

#86 – Let the Light In
Opportunity is waiting for you behind one of the closed doors in front of you. It is up to you to figure out which one. Sometimes it means opening up several doors to figure out which one will shine the light in to clarify your genius but keep opening them until you find the right one.

#87 – Understand
An acronym for FEAR is “False Evidence Appearing Real.” When you understand the real evidence, fear disappears. Our job is to understand things, not fear them.

#88 – Light the Fire
Have you ever crammed for a test and then forgotten everything you learned the day after? That is our school system today. Education is a lifelong thing. Figure out how to light the fire, the excitement, of learning in your children and yourself.

#89 – Life Skills
I hear parents talk about the importance of preparing for college. Prepare for life instead. Help your child prepare for the life they want to lead and if college is part of it, they will be prepared for it. The best life skill you can develop is the love of learning.

#90 – Natural Curiosity
What are you curious about? Do you follow every move of your favorite celebrity? They will disappoint you eventually. Instead study ideas and apply them to life. There is always a new idea to be curious about!

#91 – You Are Special
I grew up with Mr. Rogers and I believed him when he told me I was special. You are special too! Understanding the unique genius that we have to share with the world helps us become healthier emotionally.

#92 – Genius In Action
We live in a challenging time. There is uncertainty and danger. You need to take action and not be afraid to use your genius. It could be what the world needs to get clarity or it could bring more peace. We need your genius!

#93 – True Potential
Your child’s potential is not dictated by their scores on a test or grades on a report card. Allow them to be free to share their genius in ways that work for them. It is people who are living up to their true potential that will transform the world.

#94 – The Power of Gratitude
Do you write in a gratitude journal? Start. It will change your world. It is so simple! You just write down ten things that you are grateful for each day. Gratitude transforms your life and makes you happier, whatever your circumstances.

#95 – Noble Genius
Did you know that one definition for “soul” is genius? Was Aesop trying to tell us that to develop our genius we need to be more grateful? I think so! Let’s work on that today!

#96 – Expressing Gratitude
We can say “thank you” all we want but it means nothing without actions behind it. Express true gratitude by living your appreciation. Be grateful each day for the blessings you have received and work to be worthy to receive more.

#97 – Rich or Poor?
With gratitude you are always rich. You can see everything that you have and you can be grateful for it. When you complain you just see what you don’t have and you are blind to all the opportunity surrounding you. Let’s be rich together! I’m so grateful for YOU!

#98 – The Greatest Virtue
What are virtues? A virtue is any moral and good characteristic. Want to become a better person? A good way to start is to be more grateful! According to Cicero, the virtue of gratitude will help you develop all the other virtues as well!

#99 – The Struggle of Love
Love is not a feeling. It is a choice or idea that we act on. When our teenager is acting out, it is really hard to have the “perfect state of caring” but we always have that “struggle” that is love. Love isn’t always perfect but it is worth the struggle.

#100 – Move into the Light
The light bulb is often used to symbolize a flash of understanding or insight. You turn on the light and see. School isn’t always the way to turn on the light. There are many methods of education – both for your children and yourself. Want help turning on your light?