21 – Simple Genius
Is genius simple? No, and yes. Your genius is the most basic thing that is a part of you. It seems like it should be complicated. We make it more difficult than it needs to be. Find the simplicity and find your genius.

22 – Big Ideas – Seeds of Greatness.
When you get a great idea nurture it. Take care of it. Help it grow. There is a great picture book series for kids that talks about what to do with an idea, problem, or chance by Kobi Yamada. They are great for adults too! I have an article in my “5 Helpful Books” series that has a few other picture books that you might like too!

23 – Shine!
When you find your genius take the time to nurture it and refine it. It will grow and become strong. Share it and it will be a light that will help others on their journey to find and nurture their genius.

24 – The Value of Genius
Your genius is a thing of value. How are you developing it and sharing it? When you do that, you not only get success but also value.

25 – Possessed by Genius
Being possessed by genius is that inner fire that keeps you moving towards your goals. It is that desire to make a difference and share your talent. Genius is not to be kept hidden. It is to be shared generously. Genius possesses you only when you are working to give it away!

26 – Be an Original!
I love this picture of the baby elephant going into the river. He looks like he is going in the hard way and may fall over! But he is trying new things. New things may look messy sometimes but in order to be the original you and write your genius story, you can’t let perfectionism stop you.

27 – The Genius of Nature
I love going outside and listening and watching. I usually spend 30 minutes in the morning every day in the backyard. It helps me quiet the thoughts of the world that seem to bombard me and it lets me hear the thoughts of the Divine. I like to have Divine thoughts be the ones that fashions me. What do you do to help you quiet the world?

28 – Legacies of Genius
I love books! I put a wall up so I could put more bookcases on either side of it! Books not only share the genius of the author, they share the genius of others – both fiction and nonfiction. Learning from others helps us develop and share our genius. Reading a good book is the transfer of soul from the writer to you.

29 – Passion & Persistence
Einstein was insistent that everyone was a genius. His intelligence and progress were due to passion and persistence. What do you think YOU could accomplish if you were as passionate and persistent as Einstein?

30 – Talent + Work = Genius
Finding, developing, and sharing your genius takes work.
Lots of it.
But it is worth it. Take your talent and add the other characteristics of a Genius Paradigm – perspicacity, resolution, optimism, action-oriented, and generosity – and you will live your genius story!

31 – Step Away from Mediocrity
You can’t find genius if you are on the path of mediocrity. Step away from the mundane and fuel your passion! Develop your talent and you are on your way to finding your genius!

32 – Simplicity vs. Complexity
Genius isn’t complicated! It is actually very simple. It is all about finding the people and activities that allow you to be the best you possible. Take the time to remove the complications and watch your genius grow!

33 – Trivial Pursuits vs. Nurturing Genius
You are a genius. You may not see it right now, but it is there. The trivial pursuits that engulf our lives get in the way of our finding and sharing our genius. Get rid of them, and you will open up the path to becoming the person you want to be.

34 – Share Your Light
Don’t stand in the shadow! You are a person of genius and we need you to cast your light on the world. Sharing your genius with the world is integral with being a genius. Let your light shine!

35 – Poetic Genius
When something is poetic it is beautiful, emotional, sensitive, and meaningful. Humor isn’t just about making people laugh, it also refers to someone’s mood. Are you in the mood to share your poetic genius with the world?

36 – Learn to Fight Inertia
What is your genius? What inspires you to learn and grow? What gets you excited to share with others? To make the world a better place? THAT is genius!

37 – Be Different… BE YOU!
The definition of eccentric is to be “unconventional” and “slightly strange”. It is to be an original! Don’t be afraid of being different. THAT is your genius! Appreciate the differences in yourself and others.

38 – Hard Work vs. Flash
It doesn’t take much to “flash” like the peacock. Strut around and boast. It won’t get you far. Instead, try working in the dirt where you won’t always look good but you will learn how to fail. Through that, you will learn more about your genius while also developing your virtue.

39 – Tap into Your Childlike Genius
Your capacity to learn didn’t end when you grew. Look at the young child who isn’t afraid to fall down, who keeps trying even when it is hard. You can do that too. You’ve already done it! Your genius never left. You just need to use it.

40 – Grow so Your Genius can Flourish
I keep telling myself to be patient. I want to share my genius with the world but it takes time. This quote is a wonderful reminder of why it is important to take the time. I want to leave a legacy that will last. I want to be the oak and not the reed.