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Genius Quotes #141-160

#141 – Inspirational Genius

Have you ever admired someone and been inspired to do more in your own life? When you live and share your genius you are doing that for others. Be the genius you are meant to be!

#142 – Liberated Soul

Give a smile, a bit of your time, a few dollars. Liberate your soul! Share your genius!

#143 – Talent -> Happiness

Sharing your talent with others is where you find true happiness.

#144 – Vehicle of Success

Start with a plan and then take action. And more action. And more planning. And more action. Your goals are worth it.

#145 – Be Nice

You are here on this earth for a reason. You are the puzzle piece that helps complete the whole. And that completion feels so good! You just need to be nice and share your genius to make it complete.

#146 – Becoming Human

The more you give yourself to a cause bigger than yourself, the more fulfilled a person is. The more of a human he is.

#147 – Common Sense

We have a wonderful gift. Common sense. It is what makes us human and also gives us our genius. We just need to listen to it.

#148 – Don’t Stay on a Treadmill

Think differently. Learn differently. Get off the treadmill and find your genius.

#149 – Live for Others

Your genius is meant to be shared.

#150 – Imagine – Dream

It is important to take the time to imagine and dream. Think about what you want your life to be and then go in that direction.

#151 – True Mastery

What do you feel so strongly about that you are willing to take the time to master it?

#152 – Confident Optimism

Seeing the good, having faith in the good, is what gives you the confidence to reach your goals.

#153 – Don’t Waste Your Time

Pessimism holds you back. Be optimistic and your prospects will be unlimited.

#154 – Aim High

Even if it takes a few tries, aim high and go for your goal. It is worth the time and effort to achieve your mark.

#155 – Your Choice

Live your philosophy by the choices you make. Don’t just talk about it. Live it.

#156 – Stay in the Sun

See the light rather than the shadow. Be optimistic!

#157 – The Faith to Fight

If you have faith in what you are fighting for you are always ahead. Have faith in your story and live it!

#158 – Move On

Move forward courageously. It may be hard but it will be worth it.

#159 – Give Your Best

Sometimes things will be hard. Do your best and keep going. Meet what ever comes your way with courage. It is important. Give it your all!

#160 – Overcome

Ease the suffering of the world by overcoming.