#121 – Bold Genius
Don’t just dream. Be bold and do it.

#122 – Success
You’ve got to know where you are going in order to get there. Take the time to make goals and then take the steps to make them happen.

#123 – Life is to be Lived
Taking the time to live life can help you reach your goals. Research has found that when you take the time to relax and disengage from work that you can accomplish more when you get back to work.

#124 – No Excuses
Don’t make excuses.

#125 – Major Courage
Being brave is hard. You have to take that big leap into the unknown and you feel all alone.
But you aren’t. Courage brings others with you. You inspire others. You may be at the front of the pack, but you aren’t alone.
If you give in to fear – that is when you are alone.

#126 – Educational Goal
Intelligence does not automatically create a good character for students. What characteristics do you want to nurture? Design your lesson plan around those. The rest will follow.

#127 – Your Future Self
This quote doesn’t mean you need to be self absorbed or have a big head. This means that you have to want more. You need big goals that you are chasing. If you don’t dream it you won’t ever achieve it.

#128 – Go for the Goal
Too often we get stuck on attaining our goals and we give up. Our plan doesn’t work so we think the goal is unattainable. We need to change how we look at things. What is our deeper goal? Who can help us achieve it? How can we do it differently?

#129 – The Time is Right
What is the right thing for you to be doing right now? What is your dream? What can you do NOW to make it a reality?

#130 – Go for the Goal
Years ago I told my son I didn’t wish him a happy life but rather a fulfilled one. Happiness comes from fulfillment. Find your genius and share it and you’ll be happy and so much more.

#131 – You Are!
Descartes was such a deep thinker! He wanted to get to the core principle and build from there. What are your core principles? That is who you are.

#132 – Take Action
There are so many distractions out there that try and keep us from taking actions and sharing our genius. Your genius is there, but no one will know who you truly are and what you have to offer unless you take action.

#133 – Courage First
Aristotle got it right. You’ve got to be brave to share yourself with the world. Do it. It’s worth it.

#134 – Don’t Assume
Too many times in history people have thought we knew all we needed to know. Ask questions. Look at things differently. Search for truth.

#135 – Happy Connection
Most people go after their own happiness. They don’t realize that it is when you are giving back to others that you get true happiness.

#136 – Self-Discipline
We usually think of discipline as something we want to avoid. And yet, we want our kids to learn to be self-disciplined as adults. Everything is an opportunity for learning.

#137 – Keep Conscience Alive
I love how Washington describes conscience as “celestial fire.” Conscience is that light that leads you in the direction you need to go. We just need to follow it.

#138 – Gift of Generousity
By giving you are more open to receive. Give generously!

#139 – Cracked?
In some cultures cracks in pots are filled with gold. Recognize the gift of the cracks in your life. Embrace them and grow from them so you can share your experience – your genius.

#140 – Genius Love
Society often makes the mistake of only valuing traditional genius like calculus or science. Genius is something you have right now. You need to figure it out and share it.