#1 The Soul of Genius – Love!
What do you love? Who do you love? I’m not talking flirtatious love. I’m talking about the real thing. It includes intelligence and imagination but isn’t limited to it. It is deep within you and calls you. Have you heard about the “call of genius?” This is it! Find it. Mozart found his genius and shared it with the world. You should too!

#2 Talent is Just One Part of Genius…
I like to think of talent as the resources you have to accomplish your goals. This could be internal things like skills, abilities, characteristics, etc. that will help you develop your genius. With this definition, external things like material resources and time can also have an impact. But you need more than just talent to hit your target. Check out my article HERE to get more information about other characteristics to develop.

#3 Take the time to imagine!
Albert Einstein said this! If you say the word genius, he is the person most people think of. The wisdom he shared with the world was the work of his imagination. Take time every day to imagine. What do you want to do in the future? If you could be anywhere, where would it be? What adventures do you want to have? Write them down and look at them every day. You will be surprised how many things you imagine can come true!

#4 Creative Problem Solving is a Mark of Genius
Don’t accept things. Ask questions. Look for new, different solutions. Be creative and you will see real advancement. Do this for yourself but also look for it in others. Developing a Genius Paradigm is all about seeing the world and others differently. See each persona as a genius. See each challenge as an opportunity for someone’s genius to be developed and shared. We can do it!

#5 Mistakes are an important part of learning.
Society and mainstream education have stigmatized failure. What if we did the same to babies learning to walk? They fall down and we encourage them to hope back up and try again. This should be true for everyone trying a new thing. If you fail look at it as your First Attempt In Learning. Just don’t stop learning! What do you want to learn today?

#6 Passionate Curiosity – Its Genius!
Curiosity has lead to so many wonderful discoveries! When you are passionately curious you keep looking and keep learning. You don’t give up. Curiosity plays a part is the Genius Paradigm characteristic “Perspicacity”. If you are perspicacious it “implies unusual power to see through and comprehend what is puzzling or hidden.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) You get to this point by being curious. If you would like to know more about the Genius Paradigm characteristic “Perspicacity” HERE is an article you can read.

#7 Child-like Enthusiasm = the Secret to Genius
Is there something you do that gets you so excited and involved that you feel like a little kid again? You aren’t afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. This “something” in your life makes you feel young and alive. I feel like this when I’m giving a presentation, teaching a class, or during a coaching session. Time stands still for me and I get excited about what I’m doing. What is it for you? Take the time to figure it out. It can make all the difference in your life!

#8 – If you HAVE to or if you LOVE to…
It makes a huge difference! Teach with love and your students will learn faster and retain more. They will get excited and turn into life long learners. And figure out how to incorporate love into what you are doing, not just duty. It will make any task a path to genius! Share your genius!

#9 – Mad Genius?
Sometimes it seems like it. Our genius makes us passionate and determined. We need this “madness” to share our great genius. What are you “mad” about? You just need a touch of madness to make your genius great!

#10 – Light Your Fire!
What stokes your fire? What makes you feel really alive? Sharing your flame with others is one way to really make it burn. And your fire will help light the flame for others.
Share your genius!

#11 – We Need Patience with Ourselves
What if all the great people in the world didn’t have enough patience to complete their life’s work? Where would we be now? Have patience with yourself. You have a great work that will come if you give yourself time. I know it is hard to be patient, but take it one day at a time. You can do it!
Share your genius!

#12 – Your Experience = Your Genius
Breadth and depth of experience are important. When you are looking for your genius you need to look wide. Once you find it, you need to go deep. Are you giving your kids the opportunity to go wide? Are you giving yourself the time to go deep?
Share your genius!

#13 – Don’t Let Your Genius – or Your Humanity – Get Rusty
One way to make sure your genius doesn’t get rusty is to share it with the world. This is also the way for you to help the world. Sharing your genius is your purpose. Having a fulfilling and happy life is living with purpose. Find, nurture, and share your genius to make the world a better place for everyone.

#14 – Share Your Genius to Unify Your Community
Talent is something you may or may not share with the world. It become genius when you take the time to share it in order to make the world a better place. It may not seem like it is something that makes a huge difference. You may wonder if you really have any genius to share. You do. And it makes a difference. You don’t have to be a traditional leader. Share your beauty, harmony, and talent. Your genius has a place in this world and sharing your genius will help bring unity and peace.

#16 – Search Out the Unexplored Regions in Your Life!
It is easy to stay on the path we are used to. We are comfortable there and we know what to expect. But that is not where we can grow and learn. We need to push ourselves and get a little uncomfortable. That is where we find our genius and many times, that is where we can share it to. Don’t be afraid of the unexplored regions of your life! Get excited and search them out!

#17 – Dig Deep for the Education You & Your Child Deserve!
Your genius is worth spending the time and effort finding. You may have to dig long and hard to find each nugget but this experience (education) will refine your genius and allow you to make bigger difference in other people’s lives.

#18 – You have a GREAT Mind!
What ideas do you want to discuss today? How can we keep the events and people out of the discussion? We want to develop GREAT, GENIUS minds!

#19 – A Worthwhile Life
I once told my oldest son I didn’t necessarily wish for him to have an easy life, rather I wanted him to have a fulfilling life. It is the life of purpose, shared with others, that makes life worthwhile. This has been studied over and over and each time happiness is found when you are helping others. How can you share your genius to make someone else’s life better today?

#20 – Sweat and Inspiration
You have to work hard to find your genius. Sometimes it seems like you are climbing a mountain with harsh winds trying to blow you down and destroy you. You need to keep going. It will be worth it! You can do it! Find some good friends to cheer you on and inspire you. And then cheer on and inspire your friends to climb their mountains!