A Hero’s Journey or Path to Mediocrity?

The Importance of the Journey


Joseph Campbell’s book, “Hero with a Thousand Faces,” sets up a system that many stories follow. The protagonist:
1. gets a call to adventure,
2. has a mentor appear to help him,
3. leaves the known for the unknown,
4. suffers through tests/trials/traps/temptations,
5. suffers through a crisis,
6. is reborn,
7. gets the treasure (or result they are looking for),
8. and return to the known world to their old life but in an upgraded form, where they are ready for the next adventure.
(TEDed has a great video titled, “What makes a Hero?” by Matthew Winkler)

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Bill Gates Documentary – MUST SEE!

What does a man who is an acknowledged genius today, think about? Especially when he is one of the richest men in the world? There is an amazing documentary on Netflix that answers this question. “Inside Bill’s Brain” is all about Bill Gates. It gives quite a bit of biographical information about him while also sharing what Bill and Melinda Gates are doing now with their foundation.

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