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A Secret to Getting More Done

Like most of you, I’ve got a lot going on in my life. I’m a wife, mom, homeschooler, business owner, friend, teacher, etc.  You get the idea. 

I’m busy.

Last week I promised you I’d share a technique to help you get more done.  I’m here to deliver!

This is it.

Yep.  A kitchen timer.

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The MAGIC Word!

“I want it ALL!” 

I kind of feel like the petulant Violet in the Willy Wonka film.  I want to do it all. I want to be a wonderful wife and mother, homeschool, have my own business, be a supportive part of my community, take care of my family, and… and… everything else.

But I don’t want to blow up like a blueberry.

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Attention Span of A Goldfish

The attention span of a goldfish is nine seconds.  That beats the average human, who only has an attention span of 8 seconds. 

And it is shrinking.

In 2000 the average human attention span was twelve seconds. That means that it has decreased by 25% in less than 25 years.


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Walking with Einstein

I’ve been reading a good book…

I know, I know.  I start a lot of my emails like this.  But there are so many good books out there!  I know you are busy, so this is my way of giving you a preview to see if this is a book you may want to read.  If not, I’ll give you some of the juicy parts!

The title of the book caught my eye – Moonwalking with Einstein.  Anything with Einstein grabs me.  He is the poster child for anything related to genius, and I’m all about realizing genius.  

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I’ve Been Busy this Month…

I’ve been gone for a month. Yep.  A full month.  In fact, I won’t get home until tomorrow.  I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed and not living out of a suitcase. I’ve never done this before.  I had several activities, one after the other, and we just made it work.  In the … Read more

Finding Independence

Happy Independence Day!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend with your family and friends, celebrating the founding of our country.  Yesterday I was in a total of four airports trying to get from Cleveland, Ohio, to Austin, Texas.  It definitely was NOT a direct flight!  But getting to family and my final destination was worth the wait.

I started out a month-long vacation last week in LAX at 3:30 am.  I flew with a friend to an amazing five-day spiritual retreat.  I’m so grateful for the time away to be rejuvenated and inspired.

It was in the airport that I got my first “aha” of the trip.  We got to LAX before the TSA or ticket lines had opened, so there were tons of people standing around waiting.  I know how these things work, so I asked someone if they were in line, and then when they said yes, we got in line behind them.  

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A Vision Quest

And a new phone

You know that feeling when you understand that you HAVE to do something but you really don’t want to?  You put it off.  You don’t want to face the changes it will create.  You like the old way. 

There comes a time when change has to happen.

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What is Most Important?

It Might Not be What You Think…

This week I spoke to several people about the most important things to cover when educating children.

What do you think is most important?

Do you think of the standards that the government has given us?  Or maybe the lists you can find on a website or in a book?

Most of those center on certain types of knowledge.

I don’t think knowledge even makes the top 10.

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“Your Child is No Genius!”

Don’t Accept the World’s Opinion

In Angela Duckworth’s book GRIT, she shares how her father would tell her how she was “no genius” on a regular basis. (She went on to win what is nicknamed the “genius” grant.) Her father wasn’t being cruel.  He was just repeating what the world says about our kids.  And about us.

But it isn’t true.

You are a genius and your child is a genius.  I like to turn it around as Elizabeth Gilbert does in her book Big Magic.  She says that you HAVE genius.  It is there for the taking.

You HAVE genius.

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Soul-Sucking Machines

How to LImit Some of the Damage

I took drastic measures this week.

Nothing could be accomplished.  Every minute there were distractions. 

A beep here.  A ding there.  Emails, texts, messages, videos, reels, stories, posts.  

I had to take a stand. So much time was being lost.  Stolen.  It was horrible.

I deleted Facebook and Instagram from my phone.

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