Figuring out what is really important…

Pictures.  Documents.  Money.  

When it comes right down to it, even these are replaceable.

This week a fire has been raging in our area.  It made me think about what was really important.  The evacuation zone was about 1/4 mile away.  We could see flames from our front yard.

I was making a mental list of things to grab.

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A Secret to Getting More Done

Like most of you, I’ve got a lot going on in my life. I’m a wife, mom, homeschooler, business owner, friend, teacher, etc.  You get the idea. 

I’m busy.

Last week I promised you I’d share a technique to help you get more done.  I’m here to deliver!

This is it.

Yep.  A kitchen timer.

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The MAGIC Word!

“I want it ALL!” 

I kind of feel like the petulant Violet in the Willy Wonka film.  I want to do it all. I want to be a wonderful wife and mother, homeschool, have my own business, be a supportive part of my community, take care of my family, and… and… everything else.

But I don’t want to blow up like a blueberry.

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Attention Span of A Goldfish

The attention span of a goldfish is nine seconds.  That beats the average human, who only has an attention span of 8 seconds. 

And it is shrinking.

In 2000 the average human attention span was twelve seconds. That means that it has decreased by 25% in less than 25 years.


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A Tip from Michelangelo

BC (before children) I worked in several different fabric stores.  In fact, for a while, I thought I wanted to own my own one day. One thing I loved doing was buttons.  I’d have to inventory them and sort them.  While I was working with them, I could see the outfit that I wanted to create using the different buttons.  A button is one of the smallest parts of a project, but it can be the starting point of something amazing.  But it can also be a huge challenge.  I’d start with this tiny part and visualize the fabric I needed and the other notions.  Inevitably, I wouldn’t make what I imagined.  The other supplies weren’t there, and I didn’t have the resources to create them.

I think Michelangelo was on to something.  He saw the “angel in the marble.”  

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My Twins Birth Story

Twenty-six years ago

The woman on the other side of the curtain was having a hard time. Her baby was crying, and she couldn’t get it to stop. Meanwhile, I was sobbing. My babies weren’t next to me. I wasn’t even sure where they were.   

The day before, I had gone for one of my regular “not-regular” doctor’s appointments. Several months earlier, when I thought I was just getting an ultrasound to see if I was really having twins, my husband and I discovered they were identical and had a problem. Something called twin-to-twin-transfusion syndrome. They only gave them a 50% chance of survival.

I didn’t accept that.

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Walking with Einstein

I’ve been reading a good book…

I know, I know.  I start a lot of my emails like this.  But there are so many good books out there!  I know you are busy, so this is my way of giving you a preview to see if this is a book you may want to read.  If not, I’ll give you some of the juicy parts!

The title of the book caught my eye – Moonwalking with Einstein.  Anything with Einstein grabs me.  He is the poster child for anything related to genius, and I’m all about realizing genius.  

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I’ve Been Busy this Month…

I’ve been gone for a month. Yep.  A full month.  In fact, I won’t get home until tomorrow.  I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed and not living out of a suitcase. I’ve never done this before.  I had several activities, one after the other, and we just made it work.  In the … Read more

Do You Have Fish in Trees?

I had a great time in Texas last week!  I got to meet so many new people at the Great Homeschool Convention in Round Rock, Texas, and visit my three older boys who live in Austin.  An added bonus was that they got to see what their crazy mom does!  They even helped me set up my booth.  Such a blessing.

At every conference I go to, I hand out small posters with my favorite quote:

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