“I want it ALL!”
I kind of feel like the petulant Violet in the Willy Wonka film. I want to do it all. I want to be a wonderful wife and mother, homeschool, have my own business, be a supportive part of my community, take care of my family, and… and… everything else.
But I don’t want to blow up like a blueberry.
So how do we do it? As parents and educators, we are often told we must have superpowers or something. Definitely “super” patience if we can stand to be around kids all day! Is that it? Should I start a new business designing capes? I can already imagine a couple of designs…
To get what I get done, I’ve found I need a magic word. It is powerful. It protects me and those that I love. It is a really hard word to use but is life-transforming.
Want to know what it is?
Really. That is the word. I’m not telling you I won’t tell you the word. The word is “no.” Seems so simple, right? Such a simple word but so hard to use.
It is easier if you have a filter set up to help you know when you have to say no. What do I mean by filter?
Principles and priorities.
For example, one of my priorities is family. If my family, even my extended family, needs me, I use that magic word for everything else. I have adult kids, and I can’t tell them what to do anymore, but I can be an example for them. They grew up helping family move, cleaning their grandparents’ home, and supporting each other. If you can help, you do. And you say no to things so you can.
The importance of realizing genius is a principle I use to help me say no to things. For my son, I say yes to things that support his genius and no to things that waste his time. I do the same for myself.
Right now, I’m taking a course that is called Genius is 21 Days. It helps with learning, memory, reading speed, organization, and much more. It seems like it covers every skill society thinks geniuses should have! It fits so well into my priorities and principles I’ve said no to things so I could say yes to this course.
Do you have things like that in your life?
What are your filters?
Being prepared by knowing how you will filter the opportunities (because they are all opportunities) makes all the difference. It will make “no” so much easier to say because you will have a “why” behind it.
If you’d like more information about Genius in 21 Days, let me know. I can get you into a free class introducing you to what they do. It is an AMAZING class with tons of content. Email me at info@realizinggenius.com, and I’ll send you a link to sign up for it.