I’ve talked to a few people recently who wonder how to do it all. Educate their kids (and often others), keep a marriage healthy, keep their home and family taken care of, AND realize their own genius.
It can be a challenge!
I’m not advocating that YOU do it all. Creating a support system is critical for your emotional, mental, and physical health.
It also helps to understand that life has different seasons.
When my older boys were little sometimes, it was a minor miracle for me to even get a shower. When my twins were babies, I think I went for over a year before I got a decent night’s sleep. My husband worked two jobs so I could stay home with the boys. When we were in the middle of it, I couldn’t see the end.
Now I miss the crazy, sleepless times.
The teen years can be just as crazy. It means being with my kids in a more emotional and mental way rather than a physical way. But I love the teen years too! The deep conversations, seeing them finding themselves, helping them realize their genius.
Another season to enjoy!
I didn’t do it alone.
I had a support system. I had a community. I also took the time to find mentors in my everyday life, in books, at conferences, and at workshops. And eventually, I hired a mentor (coach).
Do you need some support?