Mother Mentors

Happy Mother’s Day!

As mothers, it is our role to work ourselves out of a job.

We will always be mothers but the time when our children need us on a daily basis usually ends after a certain number of years.  

They grow up.

I’m facing this harsh reality.  My youngest will be sixteen in a couple of months.  We are talking about driver tests and making plans for the last two years of his high school education. 

He has exciting plans for his future. And I want to help him achieve them.

Mothers are often called their child’s first teachers. 

I prefer the term mentor.

A teacher is someone who has certain information that they need to teach.  In the traditional educational setting, they have boxes they have to check off.  Standards.  It is very content-specific.

A mentor has a slightly different focus.  Yes, they teach what their child needs to be taught but their primary attention is not on the content but rather on the child.  They are seeing where the child is and where they need to go and then figuring out how to help them get there.  

When our kids are little this may mean you let them read when they are ready to read – whether it is 3 years old or 10.  When they are older it may mean music lessons are more important than academics. (Not that academics aren’t important – they just may not be the MOST important.)

We need to help our kids realize their genius.

As a mom of five and on the tail end of the day-to-day role of motherhood, I encourage you to enjoy every day.  They grow up so fast.

Mentor your children rather than teach them.  It will give you the freedom to see their genius and nurture it.

Not sure how?  I offer parent coaching to help!  For more information and to sign up email me at

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