Imagine yourself working on a project. You are really getting into it, and the ideas are coming fast and furious. You are making connections and are really getting excited about what you are learning and what you will be able to share.
And then the bell rings.
This is what kids in traditional public schools go through regularly. Their optimal learning is hijacked by a bell. Don’t continue this at home.
When I started homeschooling, I had a strict schedule. I did certain subjects at certain times, and when the time was up, we went on to the next subject. I think that lasted a day. I kept trying for about a week, but it just didn’t work. And it didn’t make sense! Why tear my kids away from learning something just for something as arbitrary as a clock? I didn’t know then that there is science that backs this up.
Have you heard of Flow Theory? I’ve written about it before. It is an optimal learning state. In it, you are making connections and going deep into your subject. Time seems irrelevant. Have you ever felt that?
I have, and it is incredible! If you are a runner, you may have experienced a “runner’s high.” It is kind of like that. But you can achieve that in an educational setting.
Many sports enthusiasts run after the flow state by doing things like jumping out of airplanes and climbing mountains. They train themselves to get into the state to keep themselves safe in their daring adventures. In “flow” they can see the big picture and know where to go and how to do it.
Imagine if a bell rang for them…
So. Allow your kids to go deep. Teach them about the flow state and help them get to it so they can have the optimal learning experience. They don’t have to jump off a mountain top or even their desk. They just need the time to get there and the freedom to stay there for a while.
Don’t ring the bell.
P.S. This is one good way of helping to build the Genius Paradigm characteristic of perspicacity!