When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” With the people I mentor and my students, I usually assign the books so that we can talk about them together and apply the lessons directly to their life and challenges. This article is the second in my Five Helpful Books series, where I share books that I have read or know of that can help you in some way! Enjoy!
Living in Grace by Beca Lewis – I’ve read this book several times; in fact, I have several copies too! I like to write all over my books, and sometimes I need a clean slate. It is spiritual but not religious. It helps me change my point of view and see the world from a more positive standpoint.
The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews – This is a really short book that made a massive difference in my life. I’ve read this aloud to classrooms of high schoolers as well as parent groups. I’ve easily purchased over a dozen of these and given them away. Andrews shares in this book how everyone makes a difference in this world. I’ve written another article about this HERE.
The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews – Andrews gets two books on this list! I love his books and find them inspiring. This book is a story about a man that seems to be losing everything. He has gotten to the point where he is about to give up, and he is given the gift of traveling to different times and places to get advice from people. This book comes in a youth and adult version.
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown – When I read her books, I feel like Brown is speaking to my soul. I’ve read several of her books, and this one is a perfect place to start. It goes over the main topic Brene Brown covers in her work – vulnerability – and how, instead of running from it, we need to embrace it. It can transform our lives and make them more fulfilling. I’ve written more about her books HERE.
The One Thing by Gary Keller – This book is another one I’ve read a few times. It is one that helps me look at my life and what I am doing and figure out what is essential. The author suggests asking this question to help get focused and motivated: “What’s the ONE Thing you can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier and unnecessary?” When I need to get back on track and motivate myself, I go back to this, and it helps.
Thank you so much, Heidi!!!
Thank YOU for sharing your genius!