I’ve been looking forward to next week. We were supposed to go to the Grand Canyon during Spring Break. Now it just seems like another week at home. Doing the same thing we’ve been doing for the last several weeks. The days are running into each other. Nothing changes. I need to jump-start my days and start keeping myself accountable. It isn’t going to get me to the Grand Canyon, but it will make me feel better about life right now.
I’ve heard from several people and groups that they are looking for structure during this crisis. I’m feeling it too. I have so many things I want to do, and it seems like so much time to do it but I am just spinning my wheels so much of the time. This time is a resource that I have been given, and I want to use it more effectively, so I decided to sit down today and create a form to help me be more productive daily.
I brainstormed what I wanted to do each day and came up with eight things:
STOP – I spend time each day right when I wake up sitting outside and quieting my thoughts. I try and listen to what is going on around me. It is a challenge for me, so sometimes I do breathing exercises during this time to help me focus. I also spend some time doing some spiritual work and reading my core book. Sometimes I write in my gratitude journal. It is my time to lay a foundation for the day and get my head on straight.
LEARN – I have so many things I’m learning and studying. I have a long list of classes I want to take. And a big stack of books I want to read. I want to take the time to learn something new each day.
CHALLENGE – Just like everyone else, I also have a long list of things I don’t want to do… like taxes. But I know if I take one thing each day to do, I will be able to get through this list.
CREATE – I love making things. It could be dinner for my family or crocheting. The other day I made some masks for my husband to wear at work. I feel better when I take some time to be creative.
MOVE – I am not athletic AT ALL. I tend to sit at a desk much more than I should, even when things are normal. But now I’m moving even less. I feel sluggish and stiff. And I’m not sick. I need to take the time to move around more during the day. I usually walk a couple of miles on the treadmill each day, but that isn’t enough. I need to do more.
CONNECT – People are feeling isolated right now. They are used to having interaction with friends and family. I want to reach out each day or facilitate my son reaching out to his friends. Getting people talking and connecting will make this time much more manageable.
PURGE – There are so many things in my closet and cupboards that I don’t need. Each day I’m going to take some time to go through one area and purge. It could be one bookshelf or one drawer a day. Slow, but sure it will get done. And I am good with that.
GIVE – I have students making cards for people in care facilities. People are making masks for hospitals. I want to give each day in some way. It could be sharing hope and inspiration, or it could be sending cookies to a loved one in another state. I know it makes the receiver feel good, but it also makes me feel good too.
I am a list person so being able to check each thing off will help me feel more productive. If you would like to join me in adding structure to your day, I’ve included the form I made below. It is something I can give today!