The DO’s and DON’Ts of Personality Tests

I love personality tests! I encourage people to take them whenever I can, but there are some do’s and don’ts involved. To make the most out of the results consider these:

DON’T take just one. You are a unique individual. If you only take one test, it is too easy to accept the results as a label. I suggest taking at least three tests, more if you can. That way, you can recognize your uniqueness.

DO question the results. These tests aren’t always right. For the Enneagram, it took me a while to figure out which type I was. I kept questioning it until I found the right one for me.

DON’T use a personality test as an excuse for bad behavior. Most of the personality tests give examples of challenges associated with each type. If you don’t have those challenges, great, ignore it. If you do, use that knowledge to help you get better at dealing with that challenge. For example, when I took the Love Language test and had my kids take it, I found that I wasn’t prone to showing love the way my kids needed. I used this information to change my behavior. I didn’t just accept that I was one way and couldn’t change.

DO talk about it with friends. When you take a personality test, make it a group project! Have your family and friends take it with you. Then talk about it. Often it is hard to see things in ourselves. The people closest to us can help us understand ourselves better – both our good qualities and our challenges.

DON’T take it too seriously. These tests should be used as tools, not gospel. Use them to learn more about yourself. Don’t use just the test to make significant life decisions. Take the time to think about it and talk to friends/family. The tests may give you great insights you may not have had otherwise. But you are still the only expert on YOU and your life.

DO take the time to find out how to work with other personality types. This is where you can make a difference in your life and others. Learn how to communicate better with others by seeing how they react to expectations (4 Tendencies), feel loved (5 Love Languages), and are motived (The People Code) and more!

DO use it to help you find your unique genius you can share with the world!

If you would like more information, here is a free module of my REALLife curriculum that covers personality tests. It is a lesson play you can use for yourself, family, and friends. It has book suggestions, websites, and videos. Enjoy!